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Chinese translation for "laboratory school"


Related Translations:
laboratory:  n.1.实验室,化验室,研究室。2.炉房。3.化学工厂;药厂。4.实验课。短语和例子a chemical laboratory 化学实验室。 an express laboratory 快速化验室。 a hygienic laboratory 卫生试验所。 laboratory rats 实验用鼠。 laboratory sole 炉底,炉床。
laboratory course:  实验学科。
hot laboratory:  强放射性物质研究实验室。
wound laboratory:  (用动物作试验的)枪伤研究试验场。
schooling:  n.1.学校教育;教育。2.学费。3.训练,锻炼;驯马,练马。短语和例子He did not get much schooling. 他没有上过多少学[受过多少学校教育]。 to shorten the length of schooling 缩短学制[学习期限]。 a man with less schooling 文化水平较低的人。 pay for the school
school:  n.1.学校;〔美国〕(大学的)学部,学院;学系;校舍;讲堂,教室。2.研究所,训练所,养成所。3.〔不用冠词〕学,学业;上课;功课;授课(时间);学期。4.全体学生;全体师生。5.〔比喻〕经验;锻炼所,修养所;学习[修养]环境。6.学派,(画家等的)流派;派别;(机械等的)型。7.(牛津大学等的)学位考试科目;〔pl.〕大学毕业考试。8.(中世纪大学的)学科;学会;〔th
Example Sentences:
1.Here , we prepare to set up the even laboratory school of " gifted education " in shanghai city , and then proceed to think over primary and junior high schools in our nation
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